DevOps for Mobile Applications

DevOps ensures that all different teams become more productive in terms of execution.

Why Mobile DevOps?

Mobile DevOps can be defined as a capability for continuous mobile app delivery that enables reduced time-to-market and seizes new market opportunities simultaneously. The key principle in DevOps is continuous delivery, which means deploying the software (in this case a mobile app) and the environment on which it runs, automatically and on-demand, during any stage of the mobile app development cycle. It combines great automated tooling with a “continuous everything” culture.


Using builds developers can set up automated builds, by using scripts to run builds as needed on separate build servers. Manage build scripts and assign versions just like code, ensuring that each build can be reproduced at any time and by any team member.

Testing and monitoring

Most mobile developers test extensively on a simulator but not on physical devices. Even testing on a simulator is mostly manual. Given the speed of development and the inherently agile nature of mobile development, automated functional regression testing is the only real way to ensure quality.

App delivery

Continuous delivery refers to the practice that makes sure the code is deployed to the production environment by submitting each change to the production-like environment. After continuous delivery is done successfully each change is then deployed to production.

Challenges in Mobile App Development Projects

Dev Environments

Development environments are consisted of tools, frameworks, hardware, and software, that all form the actual development environment.

Aggressive timelines

Because of the strong business motivation to deliver mobile apps to market quickly, projects typically have extremely aggressive timelines.

Manual Testing

Testing and quality assurance are critical in an effort to build better apps and to deliver unique and innovative features as part of those apps.

PWSLab to the rescue


Destroy Silos

Using PWSLab you can get rid of silos and streamline the process between the build and the production (including testing and deployment) phases. By bringing together developers and operations, the team is able to continuously deliver their product based on continuous feedback.


Continuous integration

PWSLab ensures that the code delivered by one team works with the code delivered by the other team. Frequent builds can be done and new code can be integrated with the code previously developed. You can automatically deliver apps to PlayStore and AppStore faster and with continuous updates.


Automates App Testing

Mobile app testing is one of the most important stages in the development process. With PWSLab the entire testing process can be automated, thus saving your precious time. In fact, developers can adopt the testing-as-a-service strategy that allows them to test the entire app or selected features as and when required.

Benefits of PWSLab in Mobile App Development

PWSLab helps companies to reduce time-to-market new features and seize new market opportunities simultaneously. It unites the development and operations team to deliver faster with consistency.
easy management

Increase Transparency

DevOps ensures a transparent process, increases better communication among various teams, and helps in building better products.

quick deployment

Faster Release Time

DevOps increases the collaboration among the different departments and teams and simplifies the process of information sharing which results in faster code release.

better apps

Better applications

PWSLab DevOps enables instant reporting and feedback, regression testing, transparent development process which results in faster troubleshooting of the errors and faster fixes.

reduced bottlenecks

Reduced Bottlenecks

DevOps removes several bottlenecks including – Inconsistent development process, Lack of ownership, Manual testing process, Instability in a workflow and Poor communication.

Adopt Mobile DevOps using PWSLab

Using our methodology and philosophy of implementing DevOps an organization can migrate to Mobile DevOps in six simple steps.
  • 1.


    PWSLab continuous integration produces lots of data about the mobile application, regressions, and compatibility of each developer’s contribution, and discovering issues at an early stage, and makes better time consumption and schedule estimating easier and more accurate.

  • 2.


    Organizations use PWSLab version control, source code management (SCM), practices for merging code and notifying everyone about the build status. Branching needs to go inline with the entire development team and the same procedures must be used by all contributors.

  • 3.


    Continuous testing basically means testing each regression, build, and continuously practice this throughout the development lifecycle. Early testing, validation, and frequent testing ensure the quality of the application and issues associated with it can be tackled using PWSLab.

  • 4.


    The packaging step includes tools for package repositories and other storage mechanisms for the binaries created in the build step. This step clearly supports the goal of continuous deployment to package and release new versions of applications (with new features) to end-users.

  • 5.


    PWSLab helps in packaging and deploying an application from development to production. It allows organizations to plan and execute releases, provide a single collaboration portal for all stakeholders in a release and provide traceability for its components.

  • 6.


    PWSLab continuous monitoring provides data and metrics to organizations to evaluate all different functions of the process: development, operations, testing/QA, personnel and other individuals involved in the process and it should be measured in the process itself.

Get FREE DevOps Automation For Your First Project

PWSLab is a single secured solution built for complete Software Development Lifecycle from Design, Development, Testing to Deployments and Monitoring