PWSLab DevOps Training

PWSLab offers training for your teams on the latest DevOps tools and techniques to deliver faster with more consistency


PWSLab enables all aspects intrinsic to software delivery, and we provide specialized DevOps training in these practices, such as CI/CD, version control, metrics, and more. For customers with thousands of business users, developers, and operators who want guidance on the various aspects of PWSLab, our staff can help you leverage internal trainers.

Who is this service for?

Startups or customers with large enterprises who will need leveraged help driving organizational change.

What’s Included?

PWSLab offers a variety of training courses depending on your team’s needs.

  • Git Basics and Version Controlling techniques
  • Continuous Integration
  • Automated Testing
  • Continuous Delivery
  • Docker Containers
  • PWSLab Administration
  • Infrastructure as a Code


Our clients deliver faster and have greater business agility by implementing DevOps
less time

Time to market

Reduce time to market by up to 50% through streamlined software delivery.



Early identification of concerns, reduction of defects across the life-cycle up to 30%.



Increase team productivity and deliver new functionality faster.



Operational state is more stable and secure, changes are systematically audit-able.

Get FREE DevOps Automation For Your First Project

PWSLab is a single secured solution built for complete Software Development Lifecycle from Design, Development, Testing to Deployments and Monitoring